

香港婦女基金會於1991年在香港註冊成立, 為一非牟利社會團體。在過去二十多年來, 本會秉承推動社會服務及婦女工作之宗旨, 致力於服務社群, 推動婦女、家庭及青少年工作, 安老服務等。曾多次與本港及國內大學就香港社會和國際間華人社會之兒童、婦女及、青少年家庭問題合作研究,舉辦地區性及國際性研討會; 與港九新界各婦女團體組成聯席會議, 探討香港保護婦孺條例; 向政府有關部門遞交有關婦女福利提議, 研討和建議改善本港婦女服務有關的政策,務求為推動社會和諧及向前發展竭盡所能。

1996年本會獲社會福利署批准營運長者活動中心的申請,同年獲政府批出位於中環商業大廈單位物業為中心會址, 並受社會福利署資助的長者活動中心。 同時又獲何耀光慈善基金捐贈開辦費,且以何耀光夫人之名為中心命名為何郭佩珍耆康中心。本著以長者為本的理念, 中心舉辦活動和提供更多機會, 讓長者發揮潛能和鼓勵他們積極參與社區事務, 讓長者在持續學習之中更自我充實, 服務社群,實踐豐盛晚年的理想生活。 2014年, 中心獲社會福利署全面資助升格為長者鄰舍中心, 擴大了服務範圍,增加服務包括長者個案輔導、隱蔽長者支援、護老者服務及認知障礙症服務等, 以擴展其功能,協助長者在社區安享晚年,見證本會對社會服務的承諾。

本會將跟隨著社會進步的腳步, 不忘初衷,一如既往,繼續為服務社會,造福社群而不遺餘力!


  1. 促進社會對婦女需要的關注及婦女服務的支持。
  2. 策劃調查研究以增進對婦女問題瞭解和解決的方法。
  3. 推動創新女事工為婦女謀福利。
  4. 舉辦研討會、座談會、講座或其他活動以促進婦女福利工作的發展。
  5. 與本港及其他地區或國家之有關社團(與本會宗旨相類似者)聯繫溝通以改善及提高婦女的地位。
  6. 研討及向政府建議有關改善本港婦女服務之政策。  
  7. 刊登及出版有關促進本會宗旨之文章刊物, 小冊子及書籍。

About Us

Hong Kong Women Foundation is established and registered in 1991 in Hong Kong as a non-profit-making organisation. The Foundation aims to promote social services and women work.  In the past two decades, the Foundation dedicated to serve the community, promoted services for women and families, children and youth as well as senior citizens. In co-operation with local universities and the universities in China, the Foundation conducted research studies and organised regional/international seminars to address issues concerning children, youth, women and families in the Chinese society. Through a joint federation with the local women organisations, the Foundation reviewed the Protection of Women and Juveniles Ordinance. In advocacy of women welfare and social harmony, the Foundation made recommendations to the Government for improvement of relevant policies and existing services for women.

In 1996 the Foundation established the HO Kwok Pui Chun Social Centre for the Elderly. The Centre organised numerous activities oriented to senior citizens, assisting them in potential development and to participate in the community affairs for self-enrichment and active ageing. In 2014 the Social Welfare Department upgraded the Centre to become a Neighbourhood Elderly Centre. Thereafter the Centre has expanded the service scope, rendering counselling to the elderly and support for caregivers as well as for those elders who stay behind the scene. Apart from raising the service quality of the Centre, these have demonstrated the mission and achievements of the Foundation in serving the society.

For the way forward, the Foundation will strive to serve and make contribution to the society, keeping abreast of the social conditions and tempo as appropriate.

Aims and Objectives

  • To raise social concerns for women’s needs and promote support for women services;
  • To plan, study and suggest solutions for issues/problems relevant to women;
  • To embark on new venture/work for advocacy of women welfare.
  • To organise seminars, talks, workshops and other activities for better development of women welfare and services;
  • To liaise and communicate with other organisations (sharing similar aimsand objectives) in Hong Kong, other region or the overseas for raising and improvement of women status;
  • To review and make recommendations to the Government for improvement of policy in area of women services; and
  • To publish and post article, publication, booklet for promotion of the aims and objectives of the Foundation.