
婦女問題是每一個國家乃至全球關注的焦點。適逢1995年聯合國在北京舉辦第四次世界婦女大會, 1997年香港回歸祖國。兩件大事促使我們,一群專業女性於1992年創立了香港婦女基金會。


我們的創會會長關高苕華 (Sylvia) 女士畢業於燕京大學社會科學系。上世紀50年代,燕大與多間大學合併組成北京大學(被視為中國當今的常青滕名校) 40年代初, 中國正處在抗日戰爭的水深火熱之中, 高女士作為一個年青女士,只身從北到南返回家鄉與親人團聚,幾乎走遍了半個中國, 沿途, 她不畏艱苦, 為村民提供服務和幫助。

作為資深社工, 高女士畢生致力服務社會, 尤其是婦女事工,安老服務及青少年教育。她深信, 當一個社區充滿了愛和體諒,不同年齡段,不同性別和國籍人士和睦共處,香港必將繼續成為一個興旺和充滿生機的城市, 一顆熣燦的東方明珠。

為實現創會會長的宏原, 本會將致力於:

  1. 支持性別平等;
  2. 與香港, 內地和各國婦女並肩維護婦女權益;
  3. 加強與世界各國婦女團體的聯係;
  4. 關愛長者, 確保他們得到照顧和尊重;
  5. 培育青少年, 使他們遠離不良影響, 得以健康, 快樂成長。

Our Vision

Women issues are of national and global concern. Preceding the United Nations World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 and  towards the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997, a group of  professional women set up the Hong Kong Women Foundation in 1992.

As a non-government and non-profit-making organization, we strive to uphold women’s rights, keep abreast of child welfare and youth education and ensure proper care and respect for the elderly whilst ushing into the new era. We keep on strengthening our close ties with other women’s organisations in Mainland China and the overseas.  

Our Founding President, Madam Sylvia Kwan Ko Siu-wah was a graduate of social science of Yenching University that transformed to become the famous Peking University, a leading Ivy League in China. Pioneered in social service since the early 1940’s, this brave and young lady had been travelling almost half of China, from north to south, to help the distressed, impoverished rural population during the Sino Japanese War.

As a lifelong social worker, Madam Ko dedicated to serve the community particularly women, elderly and children. She believed that with love and understanding in a neighbourhood, people could live in peace and harmony irrespective of age, gender and nationality and that Hong Kong would remain a robust city and ‘Pearl of the Orient’.

 In pursuance of the Founding President’s vision, we are to :

  1. Advocate gender equality;
  2. Work side by side with women in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the overseas to safeguard women’s rights;
  3. Strengthen relationship with different women associations all over the world;
  4. Care for the elderly to ensure that they are well cared for and respected;
  5. Nurture the younger generation, keeping them from vile influences so that they can grow into happy, healthy adulthood.